“Karty bardyn – kazynasy bar”.

The Day of the Elderly is a pure and bright holiday, a holiday for our parents, grandparents, a day when we give them our love, respect and gratitude.

In Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College, curatorial hours were held for students of 1-4 courses on the topic “Karty bardyn – kazynasy bar”, the goals of which were: to promote the formation of motivation to commit good and humane deeds; the formation of moral qualities of the individual: humanity, mercy, compassion, nobility, the ability to come to the rescue; instilling interest in the holiday of the Day of the Elderly in Kazakhstan, developing the artistic and creative abilities of students, the ability to work in a team, formulating their own position on the problem under study

During the curatorial hour, the children talked about such concepts as “Good” and “Mercy”, what these concepts mean; collected cards with proverbs about good; compiled a set of rules that reflect attitudes towards older people. At the end of the event, the students came to the conclusion that the Day of Older Persons gives us the opportunity to stop, look around and think that old age awaits each of us, and also to help those who need it.

The information was prepared by the head of the methodological association of group leaders, Amantaeva S.K.


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