“Interactive lesson”

03/03/2021 – In order to ensure safe behavior of students under threat and emergencies, representatives of the Department of Emergency Situations of the Kostanay region oconducted an interactive lesson for students of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College on the topics: “World Civil Defense Day” flood “in an online format.

The purpose of this lesson was the safe behavior of students in the event of a threat and emergencies.

This information on the above topics was presented. After that, the guys discussed how important it is to take into account all the details and subtleties of fire safety rules. How to live safely and do not suffer from emergency.

They repeated the basic rules of safe behavior, how to behave in emergencies, what to do if you witness an accident.

Also, in order to prevent accidents, the children were reminded of the emergency numbers and emergency action reminders.


The article was prepared by: Fatkhudinov R.R.

                                   Nurkanov M.K

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