Harmful habits and their prevention

In modern society, bad habits are one of the most pressing problems and therefore fighting with them is simply necessary.

Many people often do not realize that a cigarette, alcohol and drugs are not only addictions, but also cause irreparable harm to a person’s health, as well as to people around him. They contribute to the rapid use of the full potential of human capabilities, premature aging and the acquisition of sustainable diseases.

With the purpose of forming students’ need for healthy life-style and responsibility for their health in the college, a lecture was organized on November 27 with the participation of the specialist of the center of healthy life of Kostanay region, Kontoreyeva Rosa Duysenbaevna.

During the event, students were informed about the adverse effects of harmful substances on human health, conducted training exercises and role-playing games on harmful substances.


The information was prepared by the teacher-psychologist of the college Kadirshinova A.M.

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