Good luck, graduates!

28.02. 18 in Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College took place a solemn event – awarding diplomas to graduates of 2018.

Graduates of this year – 150 specialists, including baking, pasta and confectionery technologie, technologists and mechanics of elevator, flour-grinding, cereal production.

Nine students – graduates received special diplomas. The pedagogical staff of the college is proud of its graduates:  during all the years they showed excellent progress in their studies and creativity, participating in olympiads, competitions, sports events.

The guests of the event were Sadykov T.M, the chairman of the board, the president of Bayan-Sulu JSC, Sergeev AK, the head of the Uspenovsk farm, the deputy of the regional maslikhat, Firsov AN, the deputy general director of the Kostanai milling plant, Iskandirov B. B., Deputy Director of Pioner-Lux LLP. 36 graduates, along with diplomas, also received invitations to work from our social partners.

Graduation from college, receiving a diploma is another serious achievement for our children. Students, teachers, staff of the college are sincerely happy for our graduates and wish them the fulfillment of their most cherished dream and a happy road to adulthood.

Sonarbaeva U.I, teacher of Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College

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