Friendship is strong with care and help

As part of the educational work on 04/23/2024, the ES-19 group held a curatorial hour on the theme ” Friendship is strong with care and help ” in a playful way.

The students were divided into 2 subgroups and discussed their views on friendship in a group discussion to find out the diversity of opinions and approaches to this important aspect of life.

The first stage was to ask students controversial questions about friendship, and after that there was a debate on this topic, during which everyone expressed their opinions and views on friendly relations.

The second stage was to analyze various life situations and analyze who and how would react and behave in such cases.

The next stage was given a task in the form of a game “Looking for a friend”, where participants were asked to speculate about the importance of friendship in their lives and arrange it in the form of an advertisement in a newspaper. The students reflected on the existence of an ideal friend, the differences between acquaintances and real friends, and also tried to understand the possible causes of loneliness. The creation of the newspaper helped to visualize the image of an ideal friend and better understand their own needs for friendship.

In the final part of the process, the participants analyzed the game, revealing their ideas about true friendship and an ideal friend. The findings allowed them to realize the importance of genuine friendships and more clearly identify their needs in the field of friendship for further personal development.

The curator  the group Keneshov D.D.

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