Find your place in life

In order to properly assess their abilities and opportunities, to choose the right profession, the teachers of the Kostanay Higher Polytechnic College met with the pupils of the 9th and 11th grades of the schools of the Karabalyk and Sarykol districts.

The teacher of special disciplines Zhibek Serik consulted the students of the Sarikol district about the demand for technical professions. Scherbakov Victor told about sporting events, achievements of students, about free education, about guaranteed employment. Fatkhutdinov Rinat provided information about military-patriotic work in the college.

Interesting and useful information about the activities of the college, the training of specialists, internships in international educational centers, the work of the Committee on Youth Affairs shared Bekov Dastan with students of the Karabalyk region.

The people were interested in the specialties, which are being prepared in the college, our teachers gave competent answers to all questions, invited to visit the college, ask questions on the college’s website.

We are confident that vocational orientation meetings, consultations with entrants will help them not only in choosing a profession, but also to find their place in life!

We express our gratitude for the good organization and warm reception for the professional orientation of school principals and personally the methodologist of the education department A.А. Nurmukhamedov.

Information was prepared by A.Segizbaeva

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