“Family is the cradle of humanity”

Every year on the second Sunday of September, Kazakhstan celebrates Family Day. The issue of preserving and strengthening the institution of the family is one of the priority areas of state policy.

On September 10, a curatorial hour was held for students of groups 1-4 courses. The main goals of the curatorial hour were:

1. Formation of disclosure of the features of the modern family and the trends of its development. Focus on the importance of fulfilling role positions in the family, on the problem of the formation and preservation of the family.

2. Instilling interest in the holiday of Family Day in Kazakhstan, developing artistic and creative abilities of students, the ability to work in a team, formulating their own position on the problem under study

3. Fostering a sense of responsibility to the family and proper relationships in the family.

During the event, students answered the question “What is a family?”, brought associations to the word family, and also named the rules and values ​​​​of a happy family, working in groups, talked about responsible parenting.

At the end of the event, the children came to the conclusion that the family is one of the main components of our life. It is a place where we receive love, care and support. Our family defines who we are and how we interact with the world around us. In the family, we learn to love and be loved, respect and be respected, tolerate and be tolerant.

One of the most important aspects of the family is family values. They help us navigate life, make decisions and determine our priorities. Family values ​​may be different for each family, but they should be based on mutual respect, support and love.

The information was prepared by the head of the methodological association of group leaders Amantaeva S.K.



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