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- 14.11.2024
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On November 12-13, in Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College, the heads of groups of 1-4 courses held curatorial hours on the topic “Environmental problems of the region and ways to solve them.” The purpose of the event: The ability to evaluate the actions of oneself and others, taking into account the equality of rights and responsibilities of all participants in the process; willingness to accept and correct mistakes, if they were made, and to be responsible for the results of one’s work.
Objectives of the event:
1. Formation of the ability to fulfill one’s obligations efficiently and on time, realizing the importance of each task in the overall result.
2. Formation of the ability to work in a team, respect the opinions and positions of others and strive to achieve common goals.;
3. Awareness of responsibility for the preservation and prosperity of the state.
During the curatorial hour, the speakers invited students to create a cluster for the word ECOLOGY. They received answers to the questions asked: What does ecology study? What is an environmental problem? What types of environmental pollution exist?
The lesson covered the main environmental problems of the region and ways to solve them: the problem of household waste, the problem of air pollution, the problem of water, the problem of forests
At the end of the curatorial hour, the students came to the conclusion that the environmental situation can be improved, but this requires knowledge and resources. Only with the restoration and preservation of nature is it possible to improve the quality of life. The richer and more environmentally literate the society is, the sooner it will cure nature of environmental diseases.

The information was prepared by the head of the methodological association of group leaders, Amantaeva S.K.