Dear students!

Katkenov Kussain Amangeldinovich -Director,

Candidate of pedagogical sciences

Our dear students, parents and employees!


On the eve of the New Year celebrations, I wish you health, prosperity, love and happiness!

On this day, I would like to highlight our joint achievements.

Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College is marked by high achievements: leadership of Talap NJSC rating, implementation of an applied bachelor’s degree in computer technology, implementation of the Jas Maman (Young Specialist) project, organization of the International scientific and practical conference “Development of modern secondary vocational education in the context of its renewal”, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College, organization of the regional championship “Worldskills Kostanay”, victories of teachers and college students in competitions and projects, publication of articles, coursework of teachers in the field of the basics of robotics and much more.

Dear colleagues, I wish your work, which brings growth, stability and prosperity to our entire state, will be always adequately appreciated. I wish the results of your work be marked by the gratitude of our people!

Dear students, may the highest peaks of knowledge conquer you in the new year and the most daring ideas come true!

 Happy New Year 2022 to everyone! I wish you success and prosperity in your business, new victories and achievements, peace and prosperity! Happy New Year!

Faithfully, Director of the College

Katkenov Kusain Amangeldinovich


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