“Clean Session”

A campaign “Clean Session” was held at the Kostanay Polytechnical Higher College. This Promotion was carried out with to fulfill the Protocol order of the meeting of the Special Monitoring Group of the External Analysis and Evaluation of the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025 in the Kostanay region.

The purpose of the action was to develop citizenship and legal consciousness, to contribute to the formation of intolerance to manifestations of violations of anti-corruption legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

As part of the implementation of the Concept on the formation of an anti-corruption worldview, the Department for Educational Work and Youth Policy jointly with the student asset holds a “Clean Session” campaign 2 times a year.

The main goal of the Anti-Corruption Program is the prevention of corruption in the education system, as well as the creation of psychologically healthy atmosphere in the college to eradicate, reject and condemn any corruption manifestation as a threat to undermining the reputation of a higher educational institution.

As part of the action, an anonymous questioning among students was conducted and videos on the prevention of corruption offenses were shown on curatorial hours, a box for complaints and suggestions was installed, people were provided with information materials on the prevention of corruption offences.

At the moment, informational work is being carried out among students on the subject of satisfaction with the quality of the provision of educational services and examinations, open discussion of problems has been organized at Departments meetings.

The action was held in all groups where exams were taken in February 2020, before the sessions.

The sample population of the survey was 149 respondents.

Deputy Director for Academic Affairs

Shcherbakova I.A.

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