“Choosing a profession is serious”

To familiarize schoolchildren with the content of the profession, taking into account the needs of personal self-determination in a real labor market, master classes conducted in the college help.

The purpose of conducting master classes is awareness of the content of the specialty, of the meaning for the future. Teachers of the CMC during the master classes involve the students themselves in the process to develop the skills necessary for choosing a profession. They develop tasks for logic, for solving problem situations. When conducting master classes, such tasks as: developing practical skills through working with laboratory equipment, fostering interest in the profession, increasing motivation. Pupils of the 9th form of secondary school №11 did not just visit the laboratories on specialty 1216000 “Elevators, flour-grinding, cereals and feed mill production”, but they fulfilled the tasks themselves: they determined the weediness of grain, humidity, worked with equipment and got acquainted with filling out the documentation. Having tried their hand at a practical lesson, the guys were interested in this specialty. They believed that they could in the future not only secure themselves, but also be successful in their careers. The main thing is to believe in you and strive for success!

Information was prepared by A.Segizbaeva

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