Choice of profession
Choosing a profession is a step that determines the adult life of each person. What profession to choose and how to be in demand in the labor market in the future? What profession will bring both pleasure and financial well-being?
What a huge meaning is filled, it would seem, the usual phrase, how many emotions, anxieties, expectations, problems are hidden in it! After all, this is not just a decision made successfully or unsuccessfully in youth, but often a key decision, the first responsible and exciting step into adulthood.

	01.23.2023, teachers of special disciplines of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College Akhmadiyeva M.B. and Ryadinskaya I.A. vocational guidance work was carried out among students of the 9th grade of school-gymnasium No. 3.

	The teachers gave information about the specialties of students in the college, about the conditions for accepting documents, about an interesting and eventful student life, employment opportunities, promotion of professions in demand on the labor market.

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