Charity event “Mercy”

We are full of dreams, desires, hopes, and the desire to be necessary to others. But a painful “But” stops us.

Many children live in a boarding school from the earliest childhood. Nobody is waiting for them after they will enter into adulthood. It is no wonder that most of these children find it difficult to adapt in the life. Consequently, they may get attracted to alcohol or drugs and go down the social ladder. Some of them often became homeless. We must support them in every possible way, provide assistance, in no case should we stay away.

 Within the decade of tolerance, the volunteers of Kostanay polytechnic higher college and members of the House of Friendship visited  Kostanay regional orphanage.

The purpose of the visit was to promote the principles of tolerance, mutual assistance and respect among young people.

During this event, the volunteers of the college conducted a series of trainings for the rallying of the collective, tried to depict the emblem of tolerance.

Whichever children you have, you do not need to look at their shortcomings, you just have to look into their souls, look at their virtues.

We wish the children health, successful learning, a peaceful sky over their heads. We believe they overcome all the obstacles that stand in their way, and reach their goals.

The information was prepared by the teacher – organizer Pushkareva A.V.

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