Charity event “From heart to heart”

During the week 03/02 -08/02 within the framework of the decade “Self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity” and the Year of the volunteer, college students organized a charity event ” From heart to heart””.

 The purpose of the event was the formation of an active civic position among the young generation, the development of moral qualities such as mercy, fortitude, and the development of a desire for selfless service.

 The contingent of the event was 75 people.

During the action, college students helped veterans of the Great Patriotic War, labor veterans, retirees, in everyday life. Students fed homeless animals, built birdhouses, provided hot tea to people with no fixed abode, and also held a game lesson in a family-type village “ Zhanuya ”for orphans and children.

The action resulted in a tree of good deeds, where students shared their good deeds.

 Participation in the action allowed students to gain the experience of selfless assistance to others. After all, the main thing in the action is not big words, but real actions, but the main goal is to give people understanding, warmth and joy.

Information was prepared by the teacher-organizer A. Pushkareva

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