Centrifugal courses for professional development of teachers

One of the main factors for the successful creation of a new educational model and infrastructure of technical and vocational education in Kazakhstan is the adequacy of the personnel potential of domestic educational institutions to the needs of the developing economy of the country and international requirements.

Today, the system of technical and vocational education requires teachers of a new formation – flexible, mobile, independent, with inter-sectoral professional and pedagogical knowledge, skills and competences

The priority task in the modernization of technical and professional education of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the improvement of the qualifications of teachers in the field of innovative activity, and this is the formation of the personality of a teacher who is ready for successful professional activity, updating professional knowledge that can design professional and personal growth.

In this regard, annually in the Kostanay polytechnic сollege of higher education,  we conduct centrifugal courses.

The coming 2018 year was no exception. Teachers of the highest and the first category who have been retrained in leading international, republican centers for advanced training conducted modern master classes on the CLIL methodology, the use of Web applications, cloud technologies, and multilingualism.

During the first week of January there were 17 interactive seminars.

All teachers of the higher college took part in the work of the centrifugal courses.

Master classes do not pass without a trace, many teachers actively apply their knowledge in their classes, which is an excellent result of such training events.

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