Career guidance meeting with students

Pupils of the 9th and 10th grade gathered to find out what kind of education you can get in Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College in the assembly hall of secondary school No. 15 of the city of Kostanay. Children were interested in the issues of receipt of budget education, which privileges are available for applicants, does the college guarantee employment after receiving a diploma. Teachers of technological disciplines Balguzhinova Zhuldyzai and Amanzhol Botagoz answered all questions of students, also they provided promotional booklets for specialties. Professional advice from teachers helped children determine the choice of professions. Pupils own different kind of information information due to online resources, publications about student life, about events organized in our colege and therefore many of them decided that they want to continue their education in Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College.

Prepared by Segizbaeva A.S.

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