Career guidance in college

To form an idea of ​​the professions, pupils of the lyceum No. 1 attended master classes in the field of specialties. Teachers Rizhenko E.T. and Kumarova G.E. told students about the demand for specialists in the field of processing industries. Pupils were shown the technology of preparation and decoration of bakery and confectionery products. Teachers Scherbakov N.V. and Akusharov A.N. demonstrated the equipment on which students of the specialty “Engineering technology (by type)” and “Power supply (by industry)” fix their practical skills. What should be an expert in the field of quality told and showed teacher Akhmadieva M.B. and students Burzhakbayeva Karina and Ziyada Nurzhan. The information that was provided by a specialist on international cooperation Zhaekbayeva A.Zh. was interesting and informative, about international programs and cooperation with foreign educational centers.

Information prepared by A. Segizbayeva

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