College teachers Butnarash O., Butnarash V. held a meeting with the parents of the school-gymnasium number 18 of Kostanay. Information…

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Schoolchildren of the gymnasium school No. 4 in the city of Kostanay and the Zatobolsk gymnasium school took part in…

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On January 22, 2019, in the TZ-21 group, an open extra-curricular event took place in the form of a socio-psychological…

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Today in the secondary school number 2 in Kostanay the “Festival of Professions” took place. Students programmers and their teacher…

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The choice of profession determines the life path of a person. Making your choice helps professional orientation. If the support…

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December 14, 2018 teachers of technical disciplines held a vocational guidance meeting with students of the gymnasium school number 18…

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30.11.2018 on the last day of the CMC Electrotechnical disciplines week passed the “Electrotechnical” relay race among second-year students of…

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On November 29, 2018, a regional competition was held for existing electrified models and layouts “Young designers to the world…

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In the framework of the week of the CMC electrical engineering disciplines, with the aim of early vocational orientation of…

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28.11.2018 among the groups 3ES-6 and 2ES-10 in the reading room of the college the debate tournament “War of Currents”…

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