“Formation of a healthy lifestyle, responsible and safe behavior among students”

03.03.2021 at the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College, a regular meeting of the methodological association of curators was held.

      The topic of the meeting: “Formation of a healthy lifestyle, responsible and safe behavior among students”

         The purpose of the event was to provide methodological assistance to teachers in the organization of educational work; exchange of experience in carrying out extracurricular work with students.

The agenda of the meeting of the ME of curators,:

  1. The system of the curator’s work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle among students. Gorpenko N.A., curator of group 1TП-28, Bondareva N.L., curator of group 1ЭМ-6
  2. Physical and sports activities as a means of forming a healthy lifestyle. Shishkin V.V., teacher of physical training.
  3. The interaction of college and family in the formation of healthy lifestyles among students Suyundukova B.B., curator of group 2Э-11, Rizhenko E.T, curator of group XП-20

           Gorpenko N.A. and Bondareva N.L. in their speech noted that maintaining a healthy lifestyle plays a significant role in the formation of personal qualities of students, highlighted activities and measures to maintain a “healthy mind” among their students.

         Shishkin V.V., a teacher of physical culture showed how physical culture and sports activities contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle and what results in sports were achieved for the 2020-2021 academic year (1 semester).

         Suyundukova B.B., Rizhenko E.T. highlighted the measures of interaction between the college and the family in the formation of a healthy lifestyle among students and showed the dynamics of an increase in the number of students engaged in a healthy lifestyle.

         Teachers (from their own experience) talked about the methods and ways of educating students, about interaction with parents, about educational methods of group cohesion. Teachers have shown by personal example how it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which should be an element of professional culture.

Prepared by the methodological association of curators Kontrobaeva Zh.D.

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