“And poetry is awakening in me ..”

In the reading room a meeting with a poet is always a holiday. A meeting with a poet whose books are popular with readers is a double celebration, because such impressions are usually remembered for life.

On March 12, within the framework of the week of the philological department, a meeting of students of the 1st and 2nd courses with the poetess Tatiana Sergeevna Kovalskaya took place.

Tatyana Kovalskaya is a member of the presidium of the PA «АЛСК» (association of writers of Northern Kazakhstan), the leader of the youth literary association «Крылья», the author of five collections of poems, twice the best poet of the Kostanay region, the winner of the international poetry contests «Коштенко» and «Лига Гран-При».

Tatiana Sergeevna said that the PA «АЛСК» was organized in 2012 on the basis of the regional association of writers «Ковчег» in 2012 by the famous poet Vladimir Rastegin. The аssociation has its own publication – the regional literary and art magazine «Берега», which in 2017 turned 20 years old. The аssociation is a permanent founder of regional, regional and international literary contests for poets and prose writers of all ages. On the basis of «АЛСК» there is also a youth wing – association «Крылья». Also there are branches across the region – «Рудненский Меридиан», «Поэтическое Заречье».

It was the turn of the students to ask questions … Our children were interested in everything: where was born and studied, the favorite book in childhood, what talents are there other than the writer’s, when she started publishing her books, what traits does she appreciate in people, who is the favorite poet, which prize is the most unexpected and the most expensive and much more. They were interested in how to become a poet, where you can apply for the publication of your works,

As a result of this wonderful meeting, Tatyana Sergeevna donated her last collection «Красная планета».

The information was prepared by the teacher of philological disciplines S.K. Amantayevа.

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