«Ahmet Baıtursynov – ult janashyry»

01/03/2021 – In order to implement the tasks outlined in the article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev “Independence is the most precious thing”, published on January 5, 2021 in the newspaper “Egemen Qazaqstan”, and in accordance with the approved action plan of the decade of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines an intracollege dictation “Akhmet Baytursynov – ult zhanashyry” was held.

The main purpose of the event was to familiarize students with the invaluable work of the Alash Arys, who made a huge contribution to the promotion of the idea of ​​Independence at the beginning of the last century; identification and study of the rich heritage of the Alash intelligentsia and the implementation of the language policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

First-year students studying in the state language took part in the dictation. According to the results, the winners were determined based on  the highest number of points according to the evaluation criteria: 1st place was taken by a student of the TП-26 group of specialty 1304000 “Computing equipment and software” – Ablalimov Umirzhan; 2nd place was taken by a student of the group TЗ-25, specialty 1216000 “Elevator, flour-grinding, cereal and feed production” – Diana Mambetova; 3rd place was taken by a student of the specialty 1219000 “Bakery, pasta and confectionery production” Baysalbaeva Ulbolsyn.

The information was prepared by teachers of the Kazakh language Kazieva U.Zh., Zhaylibaeva K.M.

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