About different, necessary and important professions.

Polytechnic Higher College Sagumbaev M.K., Khusainova A.T., Bondareva A.V., Rizhenko E.T. and 2nd year students visited schools in Kostanay district, such as: secondary school No. 1 and No. 2 Tobyl, secondary school named after Y. Altynsarina, Michurinskaya basic secondary school, Sadchikova basic secondary school. A total of 205 students were enrolled. The crucial time is approaching for school graduates to make an informed life choice of a profession, among the many available ones.

There was a live conversation in the form of questions and answers with watching videos on all specialties of the college with school students and classroom teachers. It was interesting for the students to find out: what professions are being trained in our educational institution, what conditions are created for studying and living, what our students do in their free time, what career growth awaits them professionally, at which enterprises they will be able to work, in which educational institutions they will be able to receive higher education and much more.

Such meetings help students determine their choice of profession and focus on the most important and interesting one.

The information was prepared by the teachers: Khusainova A.T., Rizhenko E.T., Sagumbaev M.K., Bondareva A.V.

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