“A world without violence”

“When you do good, you glorify yourself, when you do evil, you humiliates yourself”

 (King Solomon)

Within the framework of the international action “16 days against violence “

On December 5, a training session was held in the college on the theme: “A world without violence”, the main purpose of which was the prevention of violence and cruelty.

During the training session, the exercises “Tug of the Newspaper”, “Situation Analysis”, “Magic Butterfly”, the circle of ideas “How to Stop Violence” were used, talked about what aggression is, how it manifests itself, the reasons for its occurrence, the characteristics of the “aggressor” “And” victims “, the types of violence, as well as what to do in order not to become or cease to be a” victim “and where to turn if you are in a difficult situation.

At the end of the event, the students concluded that violence in any form is unacceptable. People should be careful, respectful and loving to treat each other, then peace and peace will reign in our society, and where there is love, compassion and mercy, there is no place for cruelty and violence.

 The information was prepared by the teacher-psychologist Satybaldina R.A.

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