A demonstration lesson “The role of the Great Silk Road”

According to the plan of the decade of the department of the social and humanitarian disciplines, on February 24, 2021, the history teacher L.F. Shakirova held an online demonstration lesson on the topic “The role of the Great Silk Road in the development of urban culture in Kazakhstan. Economic and Cultural Interaction and Mutual Influence”.

The lesson was held in the TП-27 group, in the specialty: 1304000 “Computing equipment and software (by type)”. During the lesson, children learned many interesting facts about the Great Silk Road. To activate the mental activity of students in the lesson, it was necessary to increase the motivation of the lesson by displaying bright posters, an epigraph for the lesson, quotes, photographs with problematic questions, videos showing the connection of the student with the present, and the following forms were planned: independent, individual, advanced tasks and tasks in Padlet platforms, LearningApps, use of audio and video materials.

   The students got acquainted with the main directions of the Great Silk Road running through the territory of Kazakhstan, studied the cities – centers of trade, determined the significance of the Great Silk Road in the history of Kazakhstan, using the PEST analysis:

   The students showed interest in the topic under discussion and answered the teacher’s questions without difficulty. Active students received positive marks for their work in the lesson.





The information was prepared by the history teacher: Shakirova L.F

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