“16 days against violence!”

06.12.2017  volunteers of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College «Меірімді жүрек», together with the Department of Internal Affairs, 
conducted an action “16 days without violence”, which took placa in the library named after L. N. Tolstoy. Apart from booklets and posters, 
volunteers surprised all viewers with an incendiary flash mob.

The purpose of the action was to familiarize people about the measures taken to prevent and suppress violence against women, to protect 
motherhood and childhood, and to strengthen the role of the family in society.

We believe that today our action will change the philistine opinion: “If he beats, he loves!”

A life without violence is the key to a peaceful society.

The information was prepared by the teacher-organizer Pushkareva A.V.

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