Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College opens its doors for graduates of school No. 14

On March 3, 2025, a teacher of Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College, Saule Kaliyevna Amantaeva, conducted career guidance work at a general school parent meeting at school No. 14 in Kostanay.

The purpose of the event was to familiarize parents of school graduates with the specialties offered by the college, the conditions for admission and employment prospects.

Parents learned about the benefits of studying at Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College, its material and technical base, qualified teaching staff and successful graduates.

Parents of graduates received comprehensive information about the conditions for admission to the college, the duration of study, and opportunities for receiving a scholarship.

During the meeting, the college teacher answered numerous questions from parents regarding the employment prospects of college graduates and opportunities for continuing education.

We are confident that many graduates of School No. 14 will choose our college and become part of our friendly student community.

Information prepared by Amantaeva S.K.

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