A parent – teacher conference

November 11, 2017 – Parents of students were invited to the meeting “Education of the legal culture of youth and the role of parents in the formation of the legal awareness of adolescents” in Kostanay polytechnic high college.

The purpose of the event was to attract the attention of parents to the issue of forming a legal culture of students, the prevention of violations,

preservation and maintenance of psychological health of adolescents.

 At the beginning of the meeting, the director of the college, Doschanova A.I., made a speech about college achievements and prospects for the development of a higher college.

   Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Tatyanova A.B. spoke on the issue “Organization of the educational process, assessment of knowledge of students.” Dyusekeeva L.K., deputy director for educational work, described the role of parents in shaping the legal culture of adolescents. Onkaeva R.B, inspector of the juvenile police, spoke on the issue of preventing juvenile delinquency. The psychologists of the college told parents about the conditions that should be created to preserve and maintain the psychological health of adolescents in the family.

  During the meeting, the director of the college, members of the administration answered questions of the parents.

The information was prepared by Sonarbayeva U.I., teacher of the philological disciplines

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