«Read a book about a hero and his deeds»Book evening within the framework of the international campaign «Reading to Children about the War».

April 26 in the city children’s library named after A. S. Pushkin Kostanai in the framework of the international campaign “Read a book about the hero and his feat” “Read to children about the war” participated students of groups B-4 and PO-5. Also history teacher D. K. Akhmetzhanova made a report on the theme “We are proud of the soldiers of victory”.

The aim of the exhibition was to promote citizenship and patriotism of the younger generation by the example of the best works of children’s literature about the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. During the exhibition the students got acquainted with the books about the Great Patriotic War and received a lot of useful information.

Information prepared by the teacher of history:                      D.K. Akhmetzhanova.

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