On March 01, 2024 in Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College among the students of the 1st course of group А-2, Б-4, ПО-5, М-11, М-12, ЭС-23, ПО-6, СТ-7 were held competitions on civil defense.

The students answered the questions of the quiz on the Civil Defense, performed standards on Civil Defense signals, put on personal protective equipment for respiratory organs (PPE), skin protection equipment (SPE).

According to the results of the competition

 1st place was taken by the student of group ES-23 Borovkov Andrey,

 2nd place was taken by the student of group B-4 Mukhambet Aidar,

 3rd place was taken by student of group PO-5 Sapabek Islam.

In order not to be taken by surprise, today every student must practically act quickly and confidently on the signals of the Civil Defense. To be able to defend themselves and provide assistance to the injured.

Information was prepared by: Fathudinov R.R.

                                      Nurkanov M.K.

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