Results of the 1st stage of the regional competition of professional skills among teachers of special disciplines and masters of industrial training in the competence “Confectionery”

On February 8, 2024, Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College hosted the 1st stage of the Regional competition of professional skills among teachers of special disciplines and masters of industrial training in the competence of “Confectionery”.

At the first stage of the competition, teachers underwent online testing with the proctoring procedure. According to the results of testing, 5 teachers who scored the maximum number of points entered the second stage of the competition.

Last name, first name, patronymicPlace of workPost
 Pupysheva Ksenia SergeevnaMSOE «Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College»Teacher of special disciplines
 Gorbaneva Irina YurievnaMSOE «Лисаковский технический колледж»Master of industrial training
 Deryaga Oksana AlexandrovnaMSOE «Федоровский сельскохозяйственный колледж»Teacher of special disciplines
 Efimenko Elena AlexandrovnaMSOE «Сарыкольский колледж агробизнеса и права»Master of industrial training
 Kadirbaeva Saule BazarbayevnaMSOE «Костанайский колледж сферы обслуживания»Master of industrial training  

In the second stage, participants will compete in the skills for the best professional portfolio, in the manufacture of confectionery products – a sliced cake, a presentation sculpture made of isomalt and a dessert on a plate, which is baked according to a mysterious recipe.

We express our gratitude to all participants for participating in the contest, for its support and development. We wish the participants of the 2nd stage of the competition victory and success!

The material was prepared by Deputy Director for UMR Kaipbaeva Zh.Sh.

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