“Youth and problems of religious extremism manifestations”

On November 8, a seminar on the prevention of manifestations of religious extremism was organized among students of Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College. The theme of the event: “Youth and the problems of religious extremism”.

The purpose of the event was to form knowledge in the field of religious relations, adequate self-esteem, the ability to make the right choice, set life goals of a humane nature and strive to achieve them.

The event was held by a member of the IRG Baigentov B.B. The speaker spoke about the danger of pseudo-religious organizations, signs of destructive cults, rules of conduct when meeting with members of pseudo-religious groups. The seminar was attended by 3rd year students of the Information and Economic Department.

The information was prepared by the teacher of social disciplines B.B. Baigentov

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