“No corruption!”

Today corruption is an urgent problem in Kazakhstan. It is known that corruption is an epidemic that destroys any person, society and civilization. In general, the fight against corruption is a very important event, regulating the interests of the individual and the state. Day after day corruption is turning in To curb the problem in a timely manner, which ends day after day in the “Disease of the Century”.

In order to prevent corruption, on 02.11.2017 in the reading room of the college teachers of history Akhmetzhanova D, Zholdybek G. held a discussion among first-year students on the theme of “No corruption!”

The purpose of the discussion is to prevent corruption among young people, to foster honesty and justice, and to cause the desire to treat with great responsibility the fate of their country.

During the discussion, brief information was presented on corruption, students asked questions and shared their opinions. There were discussions during the event. Students were shown video clips reflected examples of the problem.  Having heard the opinions of students against corruption, a challenge was raised in the fight against the epidemic of society.

The information was prepared by teachers of history Akhmetzhanova D.K, Zholdybek G.Zh.

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