May 15 – International Family Day

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On May 10, 2023, in the ES-22 group, specialty 07130200 Power Supply (by industry), a curatorial hour was held on the topic: «May 15 is the International Family Day»

Goal: the formation of a moral culture of students, respect for parents, the development of interest in the history of the country and their family, family traditions.

During the curatorial hour, students learned that Family Day in the world is celebrated annually on May 15. This holiday was proclaimed by a resolution of the UN General Assembly in 1993. The students were told that the family is the main support in life, a source of morality, love, respect, a guarantee of peace and harmony in society. It is in the family that a person learns love, responsibility, care and respect. In order for the family to be happy, friendly, kindness, tolerance, gratitude must be present in the heart of every person. Students listened attentively and asked questions of interest to them, actively talked about their family traditions, children, parents.

The information was prepared by the head of the group: M.P. Kuryerova.

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