Credits and exams as an indicator of success

 In the KSCC “Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College” of the Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay region, tests and exams have begun for students of the second, third, fourth years.  For freshmen, they will begin in January 2022.

 At the end of each semester, college students, in accordance with the working curriculum, confirm their own learning outcomes through various types of monitoring.  The exams are held in accordance with the schedules, which are individually prepared for each group.

 Teachers develop clear criteria for assessing the answer for students, which are brought to their attention even during consultations.  Revealing the level of knowledge, the degree of formation of skills and abilities for a specific module or discipline, occurs in the process of the student’s response to the ticket.  The marks obtained on tests and exams contribute to the summing up of the learning outcomes.

 We wish all students successful passing of all types of control for the first half of the 2021-2022 academic year.

 Deputy  Director for Academic Affairs

 Shcherbakova I.A.

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