“My own game”

Historically, more than 100 languages ​​function and develop on the territory of Kazakhstan. On September 5, Kazakhstanis annually celebrate the day of languages ​​of the people of Kazakhstan. This is a universal, nationwide holiday, a tribute to the languages ​​of all nationalities living in Kazakhstan.

In order to educate students of language culture, teachers of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines held an intellectual vitorina “My own Game” at the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College, on September 25, 2021.

Three teams took part in the competition: Polyglots (ХП-22), Lingua Franca (Б-1) and Positive (Э-20). During the event, the teams presented themselves  in Kazakh, Russian and English, answered questions on grammar, style, spelling of three languages. In addition, boys and girls  showed excellent knowledge in Kazakh, Russian and English literature and  music.

According to the results of the intellectual game, the winners were the “Polyglot”, the second place went to the “Lingua franca” team, the honorable third place was taken by the “Positive”team.

We thank the teams for their participation and wish you success in learning languages!

Muslimova Zh.M..,

teacher of foreign  languages

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