«We remember, we are proud!»

On 29.04.2021, the Kostanay regional branch of the Public Association “Federation of Military Sports Clubs” of the Republic of  Kazakhstan, together with the Council of Veterans of Kostanay, held a patriotic action “Memory Watch”, dedicated to the 76th  anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The event was held in the Victory Park of the city with the participation of cadets of military-patriotic clubs, the youth military-patriotic movement “Zhas Sarbaz”, cadets of Kostanay.

This action was also attended by students of the club “Zhas Sarbaz” of Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College in the amount of 12 people. The students kept a “Memory Watch” at the memorials and monuments that are installed in the Victory Park.

By participating in such events, the young generation develops a high consciousness, devotion to their Homeland, a careful attitude to the heroic past of our people, who fulfilled their duty on the fields of the Great Patriotic War.

The article was prepared by: Fatkhudinov R. R.

Nurkanov M. K.

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