The results of the decade “Profi – a start in science. The world of professions”

March 10, 2021 – the results of the video contest” Choose our college! ” were summed up at the closing of the decade “Pros – a start in science. The world of professions”.

The purpose of the competition was to help students in choosing a profession, as well as the formation of a positive image of the college.

College students prepared videos on the specialties for which training is carried out at the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College: 1219000 “Bakery, pasta and confectionery production”, 0911000 “Technical operation, maintenance and repair of electrical and electromechanical equipment”, 1304000 “Computing technology and software”, 1216000 “Elevator, flour, cereal and feed production”.

Results of the video competition:  the 1st place was taken by Mikhailov Vadim, student of group УЭБ-2, a video on specialty 0518000 “Accounting and Auditing”, the 2nd place was taken by Valshin Kamil and Lavrinenko Vitaly, students of group TП-27, a video on specialty1304000 “Computing technology and software”.

 The 3rd place was taken by Bekmukhambetova Raikhan, a student of the group –ХП-14, and Tyuleneva Kamila, a student of the group СT-4. They prepared a video on the specialty 1219000 “Bakery, pasta and confectionery”.

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