“Where to study after school”

March 3, 2021, an online meeting”Where to go to study and what profession to choose?”  was held for students of the 9th grade of secondary school No. 7 in Kostanay by the teachers of the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College Ainash Tulebaevna Khusainova and Rinat Rifovich Fatkhudinov.

The students were informed about the professions of economist-accountant, technician for standardization, technician-electrician, technician-technologist, technician-mechanic, electromechanic, technician-programmer, terms of training, how and where they will be trained. Students were also presented with brochures and booklets with information for admission.

Today, school graduates face a difficult and important choice, on which their future depends, and we, adults, must help them decide.

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