Graduation of real specialists

Final certification, which was carried out in the form of the defense of diploma projects in the specialty 1219000 “Bakery, pasta and confectionery production” determined the students’ readiness for labor activity.

In order to objectively assess the level of knowledge and skills, an impartial commission was created, which included the best specialists of the enterprises:

– Ermukhambetova Gulzhanat Uralovna – head of the laboratory of “Baltic Control Kazakhstan”;

– Shapovalova Natalya Nikolaevna – Head of the Production Department, Bayan-Sulu JSC;

– Eseeva Gainiya Kalimzhanovna – Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov;

– Elena Mikhailovna Semenova – shift foreman of chocolate shop, Bayan-Sulu JSC.

During the defense of diploma projects, students showed a good level of professional training in the technology of manufacturing bakery, confectionery and pasta. The Commission noted the relevance and significance of the presented works for the introduction of food enterprises in the city and the region.

The members of the commission highlighted the best graduation projects of students: Raimbek S., Agetaeva M., Wolf Y., Edygarova M., Zhabchik E., Doronina D., Shevchenko A., Kozina D., Bergimbaeva S.


Prepared by M. Akhmadieva, I. Ryadinskaya, Balguzhinova Zh.E.

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