Where to go to study?

Within the framework of the career guidance decade ” Pro-start in science. The World of Professions” on February 26, 2021, the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College held another online meeting on the topic ” Where to go to study?”with graduates of secondary school No. 13 and evening school No. 1 in Kostanay. The meeting was held by teachers of special disciplines Kontrobayeva Zh. D., Muslimova D. B. and Ibatova A. K. The organizers familiarized school graduates with the specialties and educational programs of the college.

All questions concerning the educational process in detail, answered the organizers of the online meeting, information was presented about the mode of learning activities, fellowships, College participation in competitive events at the city, regional and Republican levels, the demand for graduates and training opportunities at Universities. The students received information about the cultural, sports, and leisure activities of the college students. Students and teachers of schools No. 13 and No. 1 were provided with a handout with information about the specialties, a video clip, a presentation, and a list of documents required for admission to Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College. The students showed great interest in the status of the college, the level of the teaching staff, and the social security for the students.

The organizers have created chat rooms for further work with graduates. We thank school principals, class teachers and school graduates for their active participation and interest.



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