Family and College: Ways of effective interaction “

On February 9, 2021, as part of the preparation of graduation groups for the final certification, a parent meeting of the mechanical and technological department was held using the Webinar platform.

On the first question at the meeting, the head of the department, A.M. Sokolenko, announced information about the procedure for passing the final certification in graduation groups, in the form of the upcoming defense of diploma projects in the specialty 1014000 “Engineering Technology” (by type) and passing a comprehensive exam in the specialty 1216000 “Elevator, flour, cereal and feed processing.”

On the second issue, the curator of the group, 4TZ-20 Izdelyueva S.S., spoke with an explanatory conversation about countering any manifestations of corruption during the final certification of students.

In order to prevent corruption offences, information on the Action “Clean Session” was communicated to parents. This Action is carried out twice a year in order to fulfill the Protocol order of the meeting of the Special Monitoring Group of external analysis and assessment of the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025 in the Kostanay region. The Action is attended by administration, teachers, group curators and college students.

A.S. Kstaubaev, deputy director for PT, spoke on the third issue during the meeting, with information on the further employment of graduates, as well as parents, were familiarized with the existing vacancies from the college’s social partners.

Information prepared by: Head of the Mechanical and Technological Department – A.M. Sokolenko

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