Video competition “My roots”

Speaking about youth policy, we must not forget about the institution of family. This is very important for the preservation of traditions, national values ​​and the continuity of generations. From 3th to 12th of September, the Kostanay Polytechnic Higher College hosted a video competition “My Roots”, dedicated to the Family Day.

 The purpose of the event was to form and develop high spiritual, moral, social and personal qualities in the young generation, develop students’ motivation to form a responsible attitude to the continuity of generations, study the involvement of family history in the history of the country, and disseminate positive experience of family relations. The competition was attended by students of 1-4 courses. Under the terms of the competition, students prepared videos on the following topics: “One family – one profession”, “An outstanding figure in my family.” In their works, they talked about their families’ profession, craft, and hobbies. They talked creatively about what unites and strengthens their families.

Contest results:

1st place – TП-24 group;

2nd place – TП-27 group;

3rd place – TЗ-25 group.

         Congratulations to the winners, we wish you big achievements and creative success!


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