Training: “Kindness is a noble quality of a person!”

Kindness is above all blessings.

Maksim Gorky


On October 8, within the framework of the “Week of Kindness” in groups ЭС-17, ТП-26, ТЗ-25, ХП-19, a training was held on the topic “Kindness is a noble quality of a person!”

The purpose of the event was to form the students’ idea of ​​goodness, good deeds, to promote the development of noble human qualities, to instill in students spiritual and moral qualities.

During the training, students worked with proverbs and sayings, composed stories using such keywords as honor, life, thought, truth.

As a result of the work in the lesson, the students expanded their understanding of the meaning and value of the value “to love and do good deeds for the good of people” through independent conjecture, assumptions, and compilation of reasoning.




The information was prepared by a teacher-psychologist: Temirbek A.B.

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