Vocational guidance work is the key to future success!

To implement the project «Саналы Азамат» of the program «Рухани Жангыру», college teachers organize meetings with graduate students. The key to future success is the right choice of profession and educational institution.

Teachers of information disciplines Vera Zadorozhniuk and Aigul Ibatova met with students of secondary school number 7 in Kostanay. The guys were interested in the directions of international cooperation, opportunities to participate in internships abroad. Student of the 3rd course, future programmer Angelina Panacheva, also answered the students’ questions. At the end of the meeting, advertising leaflets with a list of higher college specialties were provided.

Career-oriented explanatory work was conducted by Deputy Director of Public Relations Bekov Dastan with students of schools in the Karabalyk district. Prospective students were interested in the conditions of admission, study dates, hobby group.

Information prepared by A. Segizbayeva

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