Where does quality and safety come from

On November 22, an excursion was organized for a group of 3 years students of the specialty “Standardization, Metrology and Certification” in the “Cosmis” branch of “RG Brands Kazakhstan” LLP.

The senior technologist of the enterprise Moklyak Anton in the production premises acquainted with the equipment and technological lines of bottling of milk products ” МОЁ ” and soft drinks “Mirinda” and “Pepsi”. During production, all requirements of the relevant standards are complied with. The guys were interested in the processes of water purification using a sand filter, mixing sugar syrup with Pepsi concentrates to get a drink. The chemist, a College graduate Belous Alena, showed how research and quality control are carried out with the latest express methods, ranging from raw materials to finished products, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents, and the company has implemented an ISO 9001 Quality Management System.

Prepared by G. Makanova., M. Akhmadiev

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