Visit of the Counselor for culture and cooperation of the Embassy of France in Kazakhstan to Kostanay polytechnic higher college

On October 31, 2018 the Kostanay polytechnical higher college was visited by the international delegation headed by the Counselor for Culture and Cooperation of the Embassy of France in Kazakhstan Laure Castin. The foreign delegation was accompanied by Zhanburshinova Gulnar Kadyrovna – the head of the Kostanay French cultural center.

Teachers of foreign languages Zhaekbayeva Aynur, Omarova Aiymgul, Muslimova Zhanna and Zhumagulova Tokzhan acquainted  Laure Castin and her colleagues with the history of the college, its main development stages, projects implemented at the moment, international cooperation and other achievements of the higher college.

The meeting was concluded by a round table, during which future prospects for cooperation were discussed, as well as a number of joint activities with the French Embassy in Kazakhstan.

Counselor for culture and cooperation Laure Castin expressed gratitude to Kostanay Polytechnic High College represented by college director Alma Doschanova for developing international relations in the field of education with French educational institutions.

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