“This is our flag! It is our coat of arms! It’s our hymn!”

State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan are attributes of sovereignty and independence, unity of the people and state power.

With the purpose of propaganda of the State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, consolidation of civil society, education of patriotism, increase of legal culture of youth and strengthening of state independence on June 4, a solemn line dedicated to the Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held.

During the course the questions of the history of creation of state symbols, their semantic and functional significance in the life of the Republic of Kazakhstan were covered. Speaking with congratulatory speech, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Tatyanova A.B. said: “This day will remain forever in the history of the country as the Birthday of the new state symbolism – one of the unshakable foundations of the state. To respect the symbols of our state is the civic duty of every person. “

For achievements in studies, sports, science, students – activists were awarded with certificates of honor. Following the results of the contest “Best Group -2018”, the TG-21 group was awarded in the nomination “Best Group 1 Course”, group BP-9 “Best Group 2 courses”, group ТG-16 “Best Group 3 courses”.

Congratulations to the winners!

The information was prepared by the teacher-organizer Pushkareva A.A.

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