Family sport event «Me and my sports family»

On April 30, volunteers of the Kostanay Higher Polytechnic College «Kind heart» jointly with the public association «Society for the support of citizens with disabilities with violations of the functions of the supporting vehicle «Umyt-Nadezhda» held a family sport event «Me and my sports family» in the Kostanay College of Automobile Transport.

The purpose of the sports competitions was the revival of moral values ​​and the cultivation of a positive image of the family and marriage, the raising of the family status, the demonstration and wide propaganda in the youth environment of family values, the care of adult children about disabled and elderly parents.

During the event, all participants had a good time, received positive emotions. At the end of the competition, all participants were rewarded with sweet prizes.

Information prepared by the teacher – organizer Pushkareva A.V.

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