Vocational guidance of youth.

Within the framework of the project ” Сonscious citizen ” of the “Ruhani zangyrou” program, outreach orientation activities were conducted in the schools of Auliekol and Taranov districts.

Help in determining the choice of a profession was provided by both students and teachers. The best students of the Higher College Ostapenko Nikita and Shurarbaev Ahriman took an active part in the events in the schools. In their speeches, they talked about student life, sports sections and events. The head of the department Kunitsyna S. provided information about the specialties of the college and its status of the. The instructor Nuzhin V. conducted vocational training with students, as today many children face the problem of finding their future path.

Teachers of the college Moldahalikova A., Akhmetzhanova D. professionally advised pupils of schools Auliekol district.

About the possibility of continuing education in foreign universities within the framework of international cooperation, the information site was told by M. Ospanova. The head of the practice M.Sagumbaev provided information about the practice and guaranteed employment of college graduates.

I would like to thank the management of the Education Departments of Auliyekol and Taranovsk Districts and school principals for the opportunity to conduct large-scale career guidance work with schoolchildren.

The information was prepared by Segizbaeva Ai-Gul Seralievna, candidate of biological science

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