Startup Weekend Kostanay

How to teach our youth to work, make decisions, take responsibility, identify and solve problems? The answer to these questions was the Startup Weekend Kostanay event, which was attended by students of the Kostanay region.

The team of future electricians of the Kostanay polytechnic higher college decided to test their entrepreneurial qualities by offering their, their business project, to the jury. The guys called their team “KPHC energy”.

Within 3 days participants conducted training, master classes, educational sessions “Business Model”, “Pitching: how to sell your idea”. Professional consultative support was provided by mentors-experts representatives of state and business structures of the city.

The leader of the team Ilmira Sagadieva was engaged in economic calculations, Yuri Surushanov was the “technical brain” of the group, Tuybaev Abdulla was responsible for drafting the presentation, and Gempik Alexander and Yury Alkhimenkov conducted questioning with ordinary citizens of Kostanay. It was a big responsibility, as they needed proof work they had done by photos and videos. In a short period, our team shown cohesion, the ability of conducting research. They shown that they were able to analyze, find information on the Internet, and presented business project, which entered the top ten among 40 projects!

Despite the fact that “KPHK energy” did not get into the top three, our students won the nomination “The Best Scientific Project”.

Students were awarded with certificates from the organizers – Kostanay engineering and economic university and Business Incubator MOST.

As a result, students were able to understand that the most important thing was to stay positive and never give up. Every failure, difficulty or obstacle if one step towards the right way and personal growth. Members of the team experienced themselves in public speaking in front of an unfamiliar audience presenting their startup in 3 minutes! Participation of our team in Startup Weekend Kostanay shows how to develop such qualities and skills as responsibility, teamwork, project management, planning, and presentation of the results of their work! This is useful in any industry our graduates will work in.

The information  was prepared by Segizbaeva A.

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